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Target Audeince 



Press and Social Media 

There are many elements that can help to define my target audience. One of the ways to refine my target audience is in the concept of my project. I am making an interactive photography/ documentary project. The theme is concentrating on globalisation and the lives that have been affected by Brexit. My main market will be within the UK as the subject affects UK citizens directly. The youngsters in the UK are the main target audience as they were the ones who wanted to stay within the European Union, ‘half of voters aged 18 to 24 cried or felt like crying when they heard that the UK had voted to leave the European Union’ (Helm, 2016)


The type of audience I want to attract is the people directly affected by the outcome. This indicates my main priority would be globalised people that could travel and have had diverse experiences to be interested in my project. The majority of people were against Brexit and international citizens. There are also many related features like portrait photography and interactive documentary styles that people could be attracted to.


To expand into this area I need to understand the behaviour of my audience. The Uses and Gratifications Theory (Blumler and Katz, 1974) helped me to understand the purposes of my project to target my audience. It made me focus on the certain aspects that my audience can gain from watching my project. The main point is to educate and also identify with my audience. I want to develop a connection with people with the same morals as me to encourage them to inspire others around them. Once I establish a connection with like-minded people, I hope they will be encouraged to spreading the message to people that they know who are not as globalised as they are. I hope to build a mass market through social interaction of my target market spreading the message. It will encourage people to understand different perspectives of the people that have been affected and inform them of the wonderful world we live in to discover the many cultures. 


I will keep redefining my target audience as the project grows and do some primary research like focus groups to engage with my ideal target audience. I believe with the right strategy I will be successful in making the project successful.  

Blumler, J. and Katz, E. (1974). The uses of mass communications. 1st ed. Beverly Hills (California): Sage Publications.


Helm, T. (2016). Poll reveals young remain voters reduced to tears by Brexit result. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2017].

To be able to get my project and name out there I have considered looking at local places to host an exhibition in and around Coventry, for example, The Herbert Art Gallery  (, n.d.) The Warwick Arts Centre (Warwick Arts Centre, n.d.), I have been in contact with them and awaiting a reply so I plan my budget accordingly. Coventry is a good starting point to exhibit my work because Coventry is trying to win to be the next UK City of Culture 2021, (UK City of Culture 2021, Coventry, n.d.). As my project relates to the culture and globalisation this could be the breakthrough I need to be able to get support for my project and to gain publicity.

This will be a great starting point and if the exhibition is successful then I will plan to go to London, as that is where my ideal target audience is based. The majority of London, exactly 59.9% supported to stay in The European Union, (Telegraph, 2016). I am concentrating in Coventry first as this is the place where my project will be coming to life.


I am also considering an online space, a website to host all the photos to reach a wider audience. There are many free hosting websites like Wix (, n.d.)

and Godaddy (GoDaddy, n.d.), through these websites I could also buy my own domain name. As I am not experienced making a website I believe it would be the best way to approach making a website. All of the same photos will be posted and the same interactive experience can be shared with people from around the world.


My last two considerations would be photo competitions and publish a photo book in the future of more women as the project grows. Mihaea Noroc is going to publish her project The Atlas of Beauty as a book, (Noroc, n.d.). It would be a brilliant way to tie everything together if my project is successful and become a life long project. Photo competitions could be challenging, as I will have to keep checking to be able to submit my work in the right category. I have found two, The Urban 2017, (URBAN 2017 Photo Awards Contest + Exhibition | promoted by dotART, n.d.) and View Bug, (, n.d.). Photo competitions could be hard to be able to get noticed as there will be a lot of entries but if I am successful it would give me publicity to get discovered and reach a wider audience with my project.


There are many routes to consider acquiring publicity to reach a wider mass audience. However, my main aim will be to have a gallery space for my exhibition within Coventry and have an online platform to reach a wider audience and most importantly to reach my target audience. I want to expose my project as widespread as I can to create and share my message of globalisation. 



GoDaddy. (n.d.). Domain Names | The World's Largest Domain Name Registrar - GoDaddy UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2017].


Noroc, M. (n.d.). Pre-Order The Book. [online] The Atlas of Beauty. Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2017].


Telegraph, (2016). Revealed: The most eurosceptic and europhilic areas in the UK. [image] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2017]. (n.d.). Photography & Filming - The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2017].


UK City of Culture 2021, Coventry. (n.d.). UK City of Culture 2021, Coventry – UK City of Culture 2021 Bid. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2017].


URBAN 2017 Photo Awards Contest + Exhibition | promoted by dotART. (n.d.). URBAN 2017 Photo Contest + Exhibition | promoted by dotART. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2017]. (n.d.). People Photo Contests. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2017].


Warwick Arts Centre. (n.d.). Helen Martin Studio - Warwick Arts Centre. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2017]. (n.d.). Free Website Builder | Create a Free Website | [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2017].

To be able to market to my target audience Social media and online presence is essential. I need to be using the many social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to be able to stay connected and allow them to communicate and share my work. The generation I am targeting, have all grown up with technology and the ability to share their world with other people and stay connected ‘millennials are spending more time on social media than ever before. To reach this audience your brand has to be on social media.’ (Agrawal, 2016). The best way to communicate to my audience is to be focused on Instagram as this is a visual platform for my photographs to be hosted. Mihaea Noroc has had amazing success by hosting her photos not only on her website but also on Instagram for everyone to share and discover (Noroc, n.d.). She also has a Facebook page and both of these sites are updated regularly. I consider both of these social media platforms are important to have to target my audience. I could use these platforms to create a buzz around my project during pre-production, production and post-production to lead my audience to my actual website where the photographs will be held. It will be a great support system to be able to get funding and a social following before everything will be released.

I can reach a wide audience, keep my audience updated and interested by regularly updating and the best part is, it’s all free. It keeps me in control of every part of the marketing and would be the best way to attract my target audience, communicate and share with them my experiences. 


Agrawal, A. (2016). Forbes Welcome. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jun. 2017].​


Noroc, M. (n.d.). The Atlas Of Beauty ( • Instagram photos and videos. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jun. 2017].

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